"Come forth into the light of things,
Let Nature be
your teacher."
—William Wordsworth

Meet Diana & Eat to Evolve!
Greetings! I am a holistic clinical nutritionist, Master of Science in Human Nutrition (2003), Certified Nutrition Specialist, and EDIT Certified Eating Disorder Recovery coach. My practice focuses on helping clients discover body peace, food freedom, and vibrant health with evolution-appropriate nutrition & lifestyle support.
I offer experienced guidance on therapeutic ketogenic diets, paleolithic, traditional, and low-carb diets, and customized, streamlined nutritional supplement programs. If you are struggling with emotional or binge eating, sugar addiction, or other stressful food/body image behaviors, I can help you navigate a safe path to healing. Core elements of self compassion & acceptance are woven into my client-centered, personalized approach to nutrition therapy.

Eat to Evolve™
Nutrition Therapy & Health Coaching
provides support with:
• Clinical Health Concerns
• Digestive Problems
(IBS & SIBO specialist)
• Ketogenic Diets
• Food Addiction and Eating
Disorder Recovery
• Nutritional Supplement
Protocol Optimization
Consultations provided
via telephone or Zoom. Bookings via email: eat2evolve@gmail.com
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